Background: In children with young permanent teeth, dental caries and traumatic injuries are the most common problems leading to pulp necrosis. Since, root development is completed in two to three years after eruption of the tooth into the oral cavity, loss of pulp vitality in young permanent tooth creates distinctive problems. In spite of exceeding availability of treatment procedures there is a need to search for a substantial procedure to treat young permanent teeth effectively.
Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the treatment protocols in the management of pulpally involved young permanent teeth in children.
Method: Systematic search was conducted on databases PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar among studies published from 1st January 2010 till 31st May 2020. Studies meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the review and were then assessed for quality with the help of predetermined criteria which categorized studies into high, medium, and low.
Results: Search strategy yielded 4,846 articles. After screening through titles and abstracts, 33 articles remained which were further screened for full text. At the end, 14 articles were included in systematic review. Furthermore, the included articles were statistically evaluated by meta-analysis.
Conclusion: In apexogenesis and apexification procedures, newer biomimetic materials like mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine have more success rate than conventionally used calcium hydroxide. Among regenerative endodontic procedures platelet-rich plasma and platelet- rich fibrin showed better results.
Clinical significance: To amend clinician perceptions towards acceptance of the newer regenerative procedures and their effectiveness in management of young permanent tooth.
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