Aim and objective: The purpose of the study was to compare the efficiency of modified conventional root canal shaping technique versus conventional shaping technique in primary teeth. Materials and methods: A total of 184 primary root canals (2 groups of 92 canals each) with two-thirds of root length were selected and randomly allocated into two different shaping techniques, i.e., Group I: conventional root canal shaping technique, Group II: modified root canal shaping technique. The quality of obturation (Coll and Sadrain, 1996) and presence or absences of voids were assessed by using radiographs. The recorded data was statistically analyzed. Results: Significant difference was seen between conventional and modified conventional techniques in underfilled and optimally filled canals. Conclusion: This modified cleaning and shaping technique can be considered as alternative to conventional instrumentation technique, as it improves quality of obturation and decreases the number of voids.
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