Citation Information :
Sharma V, Mohapatra A. Ternion Cusp: An Unusual Variant of Talon's Cusp: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (6):784-788.
Background: Teeth are hard mineralized anatomical components of the dentofacial skeleton that are developed during the gestation period by odontogenesis. This dental development comprises five stages viz. initiation, proliferation, histodifferentiation, morphodifferentiation, and apposition. Excitation to the dental organ during morphodifferentiation is responsible for the formation of a talon cusp, which manifests as a cusp-like structure of hard tissue projecting from the cingulum to a varying measurable length toward the incisal edge of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. Various literature has reported that it comprises enamel, dentine, and an inconsistent amount of pulp tissue. Old literature suggests its occurrence in primary and permanent teeth and mostly on the palatal aspect of teeth as one cusp; therefore, known as a talon cusp (eagle's talon).
Case description: An exceptional case of three cusped structures projecting from the palatal side of a maxillary central incisor is thus reported. The rare occurrence of an atypical talon cusp with three well-defined mamelon-like cusps on the palatal surface of the permanent maxillary central incisor is coined as ternion cusp, meaning ”three” by authors. Its occurrence is repercussed as attrition of the teeth in the opposite arch. Selective or retruded contact position (RCP) was done, followed by topical fluoride application was rendered.
Conclusion: Managing and treating these exceptional cusps depends upon their size, present complications, and patient compliance.
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