Citation Information :
Ahmed T, Kaushal N. Treatment of Radicular Cyst with Marsupialization in Children: Report of Two Rare Cases. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (4):462-467.
Aim: To present the treatment of radicular cysts with marsupialization in children and help reduce morbidity. Background: Radicular cyst is a cyst with an odontogenic origin seen more frequently in permanent dentition and seldom in primary dentition. Radicular cysts can develop due to apical infection caused by caries or can also occur as a consequence of pulp therapy in primary teeth. It may adversely affect the normal development and eruption of the permanent succedaneous teeth. Case description: We report two cases of radicular cysts in association with primary teeth with different etiologies and their conservative management with marsupialization and decompression techniques. Conclusion: Marsupialization has shown to be effective in treating radicular cysts in primary teeth. Good bone healing and normal continued development of the succedaneous permanent tooth bud were observed. Clinical significance: Marsupialization helps in preserving vital structures and reduces morbidity. It should be a preferred treatment modality for the management of large-sized radicular cysts.
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