Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Video-based Intervention on the Knowledge of Infant Oral Health among New Mothers
Ritu Singh, Sandhya S Patil, K Madhu, Rachana Thakur, Mihir Nayak, B Malathi, Snehalika More, Mandeep Shah
Keywords :
Infant oral health care, Knowledge, Video presentation
Citation Information :
Singh R, Patil SS, Madhu K, Thakur R, Nayak M, Malathi B, More S, Shah M. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Video-based Intervention on the Knowledge of Infant Oral Health among New Mothers. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (3):280-286.
Background and objectives: Infant oral health is the foundation upon which preventive dental health education must be built to enhance the conditions for a disease-free oral cavity. Majority of the mothers are ignorant about their oral health and also about the fact that their oral health status affects that of their babies. Educational videotapes have proved to be effective in educating mothers on various child health issues. So the objectives of this study were to educate the mothers about the need for infant oral health care, compare the level of mother's knowledge on infant oral health before and after the video presentation and assess the effectiveness of the presentation. Methodology: An interactive educational video presentation containing evidence-based information about infant oral health care and prevention was developed. This presentation was based upon information provided by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) on anticipatory guidance. It includes the persuasive message on maternal oral health during preconception and pregnancy and its implication on birth outcomes, vertical transmission of Streptococcus mutans, infant oral health, the risk for early childhood caries (ECC), and increased caries experience on permanent teeth if primary teeth are affected. Emergency care for infant oral trauma, consequences of traumatic injuries to the primary dentition from an aspect of possible damage to the developing tooth, dietary habits, and oral hygiene behaviors. It also emphasizes the timing of the first dental visit and the periodicity of dental screenings. The survey was designed to compare the effectiveness of instructional videotaped persuasive messages by using pre- and post-questionnaires. Two hundred mothers of infants below the age of 12 months were included in the study. They were asked to fill out the questionnaires before and after the presentation on the same visit. Results: The results showed a highly significant improvement in knowledge (p< 0.05) as assessed by the proportion of correct responses following a single viewing of the AV-aid. Conclusion: The knowledge of new mothers on infant oral health care was inadequate, and there was an improvement in their knowledge of infant oral health care after the instructional video presentation. An instructional video presentation is an effective tool for improving the oral health knowledge of new mothers. Significance: By this study, we want to inculcate the habit of oral hygiene maintenance among the mothers, which indirectly affects the infant's oral health. Through this study, we educated the mothers regarding infant oral health care, which significantly improved their knowledge.
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