Prevalence of Malocclusion in Mewat District of Haryana: A Cross-sectional Study
Amita Sharma, Tanvi Bihani
Citation Information :
Sharma A, Bihani T. Prevalence of Malocclusion in Mewat District of Haryana: A Cross-sectional Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (1):90-93.
Aim and objective: To determine the prevalence of malocclusion in the Mewat district of Haryana.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in government/private schools of Mewat district. A total of 3,042 subjects were selected, age ranging from 11–18 years. Parameters studied were molar relationship, facial profile, overjet, overbite, reverse overjet, open bite, and supernumerary teeth. The Chi-square test was used for calculating the p-value.
Results: The prevalence of normal occlusion was seen in 77.4%, Angle's class I malocclusion was present in 13.5%, class II in 7.7%, and class III was seen in 2.8% of the study population which is statistically significant. Straight facial profile was observed in 91%, 7.9% had convex and 1.08% had a concave profile. Increased overjet was present in 33.5% of cases and reverse overjet was seen in 1.08%. The normal overbite was recorded in 70%, increased bite was seen in 29% and the open bite was present in 0.95% of the examined population, supernumerary teeth were seen in 18 children.
Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of normal occlusion in the Mewati population. The results may provide baseline data for research and planning orthodontic services.
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