Introduction: Behavior management of pediatric patients may be done by behavioral and pharmacological techniques. Parents play a vital role when making a decision for treatment for the kid.
Aim: To evaluate parental acceptance towards behavior management techniques (BMT) at the side of its reference to previous dental expertise and dental anxiety.
Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted among forty parents of children between three to twelve years before dental treatment. The statistical analysis was done using the Chi-square test, Student's paired and unpaired t-test. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data analysis was performed using software package of statistical analysis (SPSS 22.0 version and GraphPad Prism 6.0 version).
Results: The most accepted technique was audiovisual technique followed by tell-show-do and anesthesia. The least accepted technique was oral sedation. Parents whose children were treated at the Postgraduate Clinic of Department of Pediatric Dentistry had lower incomes than those from the private practice. 24% preferred general anesthesia compared to active restraint.
Conclusion: Audiovisual technique is the most accepted behavior management technique by parents and is an efficient distraction technique for behavior management for anxious pediatric patients. Postgraduate clinic parents had lower incomes than those at the private practice. Parental dental experience and dental anxiety didn't have an effect on the acceptance of any specific behavior management technique.
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