Comparison of the Sedative Effect of Inhaled Nitrous Oxide and Intranasal Midazolam in Behavior Management and Pain Perception of Pediatric Patients: A Split-mouth Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Background: Management of children has always been a challenging task in the dental office, as many children exhibit extreme fear, apprehension, and anxiety toward dental procedures. Pharmacological means of behavior management such as sedation are now at the forefront. Midazolam and nitrous oxide are the commonly employed pharmacological agents for sedation in pediatric dentistry. Though each route has its advantages and disadvantages, we compared the effect of atomized intranasal midazolam (dosage 0.3 mg/kg body weight) and nitrous oxide oxygen sedation in evaluating the behavior of child, pain experienced during local anesthesia administration, sedation level, and patient's acceptance.
Materials and methods: A total of 35 (n = 35) anxious pediatric patients aged 4–7 years with negative and definitely negative behavioral rating were randomized to receive intranasal midazolam and inhalational nitrous oxide through mask. The overall behavior, alertness, and cry were recorded using Houpt rating scale while pain and sedation were assessed by face, legs, activity, cry, and consolability (FLACC) and Ellis sedation scores, respectively.
Results: The children who received intranasal midazolam sedation were calm, had less adverse effects, and had better acceptance of the drug. Both the techniques of sedation were found to be equally effective in terms overall behavior rating.
Conclusion: Intranasal midazolam was found to be as effective as nitrous oxide sedation for controlling behavior and providing adequate sedation in pediatric dental patients. It can also be an effective alternative for anxious patients who are unable to maintain the nitrous oxide mask throughout the dental procedure.
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