A Study to Compare and Correlate the Status of Maturation in Growing Individuals Using Chronological Age Dental Maturation and Cervical Vertebrae Maturation
U Pooja, NK Lokesh, Rajkumar S Alle, Mayank Trivedi
Aim and objective: To compare and correlate the status of maturation in growing individuals using orthopantomograph (OPG) and lateral cephalogram to establish a reliable relationship between chronological age (CA) and dental maturation (DM) with cervical vertebrae maturation index (CVMI).
Materials and methods: Lateral cephalometric radiographs and OPGs of 50 children within the circumpubertal period were collected (male n = 25, age 12–17 years, female n = 25, age 10–15 years) and evaluated for the status of maturation using CA, DM (of mandibular left canine and second molar using Demirjian Index-DI), and CVMI stages.
Results: Chronological age shows a positive correlation with CVMI stages in both groups. Gender-based association and distribution between DI stages of canine and CVMI stages shows that in both male and female sample groups DI G correlates with CVMI stage 1 and 2, DI H correlates with CVMI stage 3. Gender-based association and distribution between DI stages of 2nd molar and CVMI stages show that in the male sample group DI E shows a higher correlation with CVMI stage 1, DI F shows a higher correlation with CVMI stage 1 and 2. DI G shows a higher correlation with CVMI stages 2 and 3. DI H shows a higher correlation with CVMI stage 3. In the female sample group, DI F shows a higher correlation between CVMI stage 1 and 2, DI G and F show a higher correlation with CVMI stage 3.
Conclusion: Mandibular canine, second molar calcification stages, and CA show a positive correlation with CVMI stages in the present study, hence, this can be considered as a reliable indicator in skeletal maturity assessment.
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