Management of Fracture Mandible by Open Occlusal Acrylic Splint in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series
Tulsi G Lodhi, Surendrakumar K Bahetwar, Pranali V Nimonkar, Bhumika K Peter, Aparna B Sharma
Citation Information :
Lodhi TG, Bahetwar SK, Nimonkar PV, Peter BK, Sharma AB. Management of Fracture Mandible by Open Occlusal Acrylic Splint in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (6):812-815.
Aim and objective: The aim of this article is to report the treatment management of fracture mandible in pediatric patients by a simple, noninvasive, and conservative method. Treatment of a pediatric patient with a mandibular fracture is one of the most challenging jobs. In adults, the treatment of the mandibular fracture is a surgical intervention by open reduction and fixation but it is not usual in the case of children due to the anatomy of growing mandible and deciduous teeth, presence of underlying erupting permanent teeth, and incomplete ossification of jawbones. In pediatric patients, the main concern in the treatment of the mandibular fracture is the normal growth and development of mandibular bone. So, in this case series, the treatment of the children who got mandibular fracture were done by a simple, time saving and noninvasive procedure by the fabrication of open occlusal splint retained by circummandibular wiring which did not interfere with the growth and development of mandible.
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