Assessment of Oral Health-related Quality of Life in Patients Suffering from Systemic Diseases
Abhay M Tripathi, Gurpreet Dhinsa, Vivek Rai
Citation Information :
Tripathi AM, Dhinsa G, Rai V. Assessment of Oral Health-related Quality of Life in Patients Suffering from Systemic Diseases. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (6):779-783.
Aim: To assess the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among children suffering from congestive heart failure and bronchial asthma in Lucknow city.
Materials and method: Methodology: Patients aged 6–12 years were assessed using Child Perception Questionnaire (CPQ). DMFT was assessed in same patients to measure their caries experience.
Results: Dental caries were observed in 62.6% of cardiac patients followed by 55.8% in bronchial asthma patients.
Conclusion: Children with CHF had high dental caries experience as compared to asthmatic patients. Due to high caries exposure, they had a negative impact on OHRQoL as compared to others.
Clinical significance: The relationship between oral and systemic health must be consistently reinforced to a patient and guardians of children with systemic disease that can enable to improve the quality of life of these compromised populations.
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