Complex Odontoma at an Unusual Site in a Child: A Case Report
Haseeb Ahammed, Seema Thakur, Jayam Cheranjeevi
Citation Information :
Ahammed H, Thakur S, Cheranjeevi J. Complex Odontoma at an Unusual Site in a Child: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (3):438-440.
Odontomas are known as the most common odontogenic tumor and usually present without clinical symptoms. It can be divided into compound odontoma and complex odontoma. Compound odontomas are calcified tissue and they bear similarity to the teeth, whereas complex odontomas do not show similarity to the tooth. Diagnosis of the odontomas is usually accidental on radiographic examination. Complex odontomas are commonly seen in the posterior mandible. Apart from the few case reports regarding the complex odontoma of the anterior mandibular region, reported occurrence in this site is rare. Here, authors described a case of a child who presented with a chief complaint of swelling in the anterior mandibular canine region. After clinical examination and required investigations, provisionally, it was diagnosed as complex odontoma. It was surgically removed and histopathological examination confirmed the provisional diagnosis.
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