Citation Information :
Gowtham A, Meharwade P. Infected Radicular Cyst of Deciduous Second Molar Mimicking Dentigerous Cyst of Second Premolar in a Young Child: A Rare Entity. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (3):434-437.
Radicular cysts are the most common cystic lesions in the oral cavity. Radicular cysts have a rare occurrence in the primary dentition. Radicular cysts arising from deciduous teeth are reported to occur in the age range of 3–19 years with a male predominance. The etiological factor is long-standing dental caries and dental trauma. The present case report describes the inflammatory radicular cyst involving the deciduous mandibular second molar. Surgical management includes enucleation of the cyst along with mandibular second premolar in a 5-year-old female patient. The surgical cavity was closed by an obturator appliance to maintain the patency. Eventful healing was seen after 3 months of follow-up.
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