Prevalence of Dental Caries among Different Socioeconomic Status and their Treatment Needs among 5–15-year-old School-going Children in Maduravoyal Area, Chennai
Joyson Moses, M Vijayakumar, P Shankar
Citation Information :
Moses J, Vijayakumar M, Shankar P. Prevalence of Dental Caries among Different Socioeconomic Status and their Treatment Needs among 5–15-year-old School-going Children in Maduravoyal Area, Chennai. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (3):403-411.
Dental cariology is a discipline with history as long as that of human civilization. It has seen numerous growth and decline phases from the epidemiological perspective. Nevertheless, despite huge amounts of funds being allotted by various international agencies to estimate the prevalence and assess the treatment needs, there always exists a gap between collected data and actual scenarios due to the in-availability of feasible approaches to include all people as samples and assess the statistics, especially the rural population of developing countries. To solve this issue, investigators from various geographic denominations should come forward to present the situation in their dominion. This paper is a report on the prevalence of dental caries in school-going children aged 5–15 years, belonging to various socioeconomic strata. These results have testified to the positive correlation between increased westernization and the prevalence of dental caries. It is also seen that lower economic strata have more predilection for a healthier diet and resultant low prevalence in dental caries. Thus, this study has thrown valuable light on epidemiological aspects of dental caries in Maduravoyal, Chennai-based rural population, which can be used for various planning activities.
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