Comparative Evaluation of Hand K-flex Files, Pediatric Rotary Files, and Reciprocating Files on Instrumentation Time, Postoperative Pain, and Child's Behavior in 4–8-year-old Children
Rishi Tyagi, Puja Sabherwal
Keywords :
Behavior assessment, Hand files, Instrumentation time, Pediatric rotary files, Postoperative pain, Primary dentition, Pulpectomy, Reciprocating files
Citation Information :
Tyagi R, Sabherwal P. Comparative Evaluation of Hand K-flex Files, Pediatric Rotary Files, and Reciprocating Files on Instrumentation Time, Postoperative Pain, and Child's Behavior in 4–8-year-old Children. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (2):201-206.
Background: A pulpectomy is regarded as the choice modality of treatment for necrotic teeth. The use of hand files, though popular traditionally as a gold standard, may be challenging due to increased chairside time. Postoperative pain is one of the most common complications of pulpectomy and may be unpleasant for a child/pedodontist. Rotary files were found to reduce instrumentation time, reduce apical extrusion, and in turn reduce pain but there is a lack of studies in primary teeth particularly for pediatric and reciprocating file systems. The increased number of options available today makes it a dilemma for the operator to choose a suitable file system.
Aim and objective: The study aimed to evaluate and compare the instrumentation time, postoperative pain, and effect on child's behavior among three groups, i.e., hand K-flex files (group I), pediatric rotary files (group II), and reciprocating files (group III).
Materials and methods: A total of 75 primary molar teeth after meeting inclusion criteria were randomly allocated into three groups. During the procedure, step-wise instrumentation time was recorded using a stopwatch. The child's behavior pre- and postoperatively was assessed by an evaluator. The postoperative pain (up to 1 week) was assessed by a questionnaire.
Results: The mean age of children taken for the study was 6.03 ± 1.2 years with 46 males and 29 females. The mean biomechanical preparation time was observed to be significantly shorter in the pediatric rotary and reciprocating file groups vs hand K-flex files (p < 0.001**). The postoperative pain after 6 hours had a mean value of 0.88 + 0.9 for the hand K-flex file group which was significantly higher than both rotary file groups (p < 0.05*). The pre- and postoperative behavior revealed no significant difference.
Conclusion: The clinical performance of pediatric and reciprocating files was superior, but the choice of file system did not significantly alter behavior.
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