International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 1 ( January-February, 2021 ) > List of Articles

Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis

Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Success of Rotary with Manual Instrumentation Techniques in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review

Nambi Natchiyar, Sharath Asokan, Pollachi Ramakrishnan Geetha Priya, Thoppe Dhamodharan Yogesh Kumar

Citation Information : Natchiyar N, Asokan S, Priya PR, Kumar TD. Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Success of Rotary with Manual Instrumentation Techniques in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (1):8-13.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1879

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 14-07-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: A systematic review was planned to compare the clinical and radiographic success rate of pulpectomy in primary molars using a rotary system and hand files system. Study design: The literature search was undertaken in electronic databases from January 2000 to December 2019 using keywords. Four hundred and forty-two studies were identified after applying limits. Three hundred and thirty-one irrelevant articles were eliminated. Among the 111 articles obtained, 90 articles were eliminated after reading the titles and abstracts. After assessing the full text, 18 articles were eliminated. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in the English language on pulpectomy of primary molars, using hand files and rotary files and with a follow-up period of 12 months were included. Results: Three RCTs comparing the clinical and radiographic pulpectomy success rates using rotary and hand files instrumentation were finally selected. Qualitative assessment with RoB 2.0 showed one study had a low risk of bias and two studies had a high risk of bias. Conclusion: Pulpectomy procedures in primary teeth using rotary and hand files instrumentation techniques were equally effective in terms of success rates.

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