Little Color, Little Flavor of Different kinds of Commercially Available Flavored Milk and their Consumption Effect on Salivary pH Value in Children: An In Vivo Study
Aim: This study aimed to compare the effect of different flavored kinds of milk on salivary pH value in 6 to 14 years old children.
Materials and methods: The impact of these different kinds of flavored milk on the salivary pH is evaluated between two groups of children, caries-active group (n = 35) constituted children who had decayed missing filled tooth (DMFT) ≥2, and the caries-free group (n = 35) constituted children who had DMFT = 0. Four different flavors of milk are taken for the study, and plain sweetened milk is chosen as the control baseline. The endogenous pH of the salivary samples is measured at baseline and after consumption of the flavored milk immediately and then at 5-, 10-, 15-, and 30-minute intervals. The results are statistically analyzed by using the paired t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: It is shown in the present study that caries-active group subjects had a more evident salivary pH fall than the caries-free group subjects which was statistically significant. For caries-active group, subject's salivary pH value took a longer duration to return to baseline pH as compared to caries-free subjects. However, salivary pH value is restored to standard/baseline value after 30 minutes for all the flavored milk taken in both groups; hence, their intake can be regarded safe for the oral environment.
Conclusion: It is concluded from the current study that the consumption of flavored milk can be considered as non-cariogenic for children.
Clinical significance: In the present study, the salivary pH fall in both caries-active and caries-free subjects was found above the critical pH level. Hence, all these flavored milk used in the study did not cause a threat to oral environment health as there was no significant decrease in salivary pH value so their consumption can be regarded as safe for children.
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