Comparison and Evaluation of the Retention, Cariostatic Effect, and Discoloration of Conventional Clinpro 3M ESPE and Hydrophilic Ultraseal XT Hydro among 12–15-year-old Schoolchildren for a Period of 6 Months: A Single-blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Subhashree Mohapatra, R Pradeep Kumar, D Sri Sakthi
Citation Information :
Mohapatra S, Kumar RP, Sakthi DS. Comparison and Evaluation of the Retention, Cariostatic Effect, and Discoloration of Conventional Clinpro 3M ESPE and Hydrophilic Ultraseal XT Hydro among 12–15-year-old Schoolchildren for a Period of 6 Months: A Single-blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (6):688-693.
Introduction: Pit and fissures are more prone to caries as compared to smooth surfaces. Sealing the pit and fissures with sealants is considered to be highly effective in the prevention of pit and fissure caries. Hydrophobic sealants are technique sensitive in nature. Ultraseal XT Hydro sealant is moisture tolerant which incorporates the benefits of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic sealants into one unique chemistry. Hence, the study was conducted to compare and evaluate the retention, cariostatic effect, and discoloration of conventional Clinpro™ 3M™ ESPE™ and hydrophilic Ultraseal XT Hydro sealants among 12–15-year-old schoolchildren for 6 months. Materials and methods: It was a single-blinded, randomized split-mouth clinical trial. Schoolchildren aged 12–15 years were recruited in this clinical trial. Clinpro sealant and Ultraseal XT Hydro were placed in the right and left quadrant molars, respectively, and were assigned as group I and II. The sample size arrived was 60 teeth per group and at 30 patients based on the computer-generated random sequence. Sealant coverage between the two sealants was compared using Mann–Whitney test and Z test for proportions. Results: After 6 months, it was seen that 10 teeth out of 44 (22.72%) with Clinpro had the sealant covering all the fissures compared to Ultraseal XT Hydro which was only 9%. Fifty-nine percent of retention rate was seen with Clinpro compared to Ultraseal XT Hydro sealant (27.27%). Caries incidence was higher in the case of group II. No difference was observed with regard to the discoloration of the sealants. Conclusion: It was concluded that for a longer follow-up period conventional Clinpro™ 3M™ ESPE™ was better than Ultra XT Hydro seal in terms of retention and cariostatic effect.
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