Variations in Physiological, Psychomotor, and Analgesic Parameters during Titration of Nitrous Oxide in 3–12 Years Old Children Managed with Inhalation Sedation
Radhika Chopra, Vinod Sachdev, Kunal Gupta
Citation Information :
Chopra R, Sachdev V, Gupta K. Variations in Physiological, Psychomotor, and Analgesic Parameters during Titration of Nitrous Oxide in 3–12 Years Old Children Managed with Inhalation Sedation. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (6):650-655.
Background: The present study was designed to assess variations in physiological, psychomotor parameters, and analgesic effects at various levels of nitrous oxide-oxygen analgesia in 3–12 years old children. Design: One hundred children aged 3–12 years were assessed for physiological, psychomotor, and analgesic parameters at various concentrations of N2O, i.e., baseline, 20, 40, 50, and 0% (100% O2). Physiological, psychomotor, and analgesic effects were assessed using a pulse oximeter, bender visual-motor Gestalt test, and response to electric pulp tester, respectively. Results: Oxygen saturation (SpO2) showed a significant increase while heart rate (HR) showed a significant reduction at 50% N2O. No significant changes were observed in respiratory rate with a change in N2O levels. Significant reduction in the pain scores was found at the same level of stimulation by an electric pulp tester at 40 and 50% levels. The psychomotor changes were consistently higher at every concentration of nitrous oxide. However, no correlation could be found between various parameters tested. Conclusion: N2O caused a significant increase in SpO2 in both the age groups, a decrease in HR, a significant decrease in pain score at 40 and 50% concentration of N2O, and had a significant effect on the psychomotor ability of children.
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