Citation Information :
Al-Ehaideb A, Naik S, Vishwananthaiah S. Primordial-level Preventive Measures for Dental Care Providers against Life-threatening Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (2):176-179.
The outbreak of this corona virus disease 19 (COVID-19) was first reported in Wuhan city in China and now it has become a global issue. The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 recorded globally has surpassed 100,000. The mode of transmission of COVID-19 is usually from person to person and it could also be through direct transmission such as cough, sneeze, and inhalation of droplets. Dental care providers are at higher risk since they are more prone to cross contamination with the patient's saliva and aerosols that are released during the dental procedures. They can also be transmitted through other routes such as direct contact with blood, oral fluids, and from contaminated instruments. This paper intends to provide primordial-level preventive measures for dental care providers against this life-threatening COVID-19.
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