A Comparative Evaluation of Revascularization Done in Traumatized Immature, Necrotic Anterior Teeth with and without Platelet-rich Fibrin: A Case Report
NB Nagaveni, P Poornima, Ashu Jagdish Soni, Md Muzammil Khan
Citation Information :
Nagaveni N, Poornima P, Soni AJ, Khan MM. A Comparative Evaluation of Revascularization Done in Traumatized Immature, Necrotic Anterior Teeth with and without Platelet-rich Fibrin: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (1):98-102.
The aim of this paper is to present two methods of revascularization done in traumatized immature, nonvital anterior teeth using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and natural blood clot as a scaffold material. This was performed after disinfection of the root canal space using tri-antibacterial paste. In one tooth, PRF prepared from autologous blood was placed in the canal and in the other tooth, natural bleeding was induced to obtain a fresh blood clot. The patient was recalled regularly at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months’ interval for evaluation. After 12 months, on clinical examination, both teeth showed negative response to percussion and palpation tests but positive response to cold and electric pulp tests. On radiographic examination, the tooth treated with PRF exhibited comparatively faster root lengthening, complete closure of the root apex, more thickening of the root dentinal walls, and narrowing of root canal space compared to conventionally revascularized tooth.
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