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Tyagi S, Choudhary E, Chauhan R. A Comparative Evaluation of Two Commonly Used GP Solvents on Different Epoxy Resin-based Sealers: An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (1):35-37.
Aim: This study evaluates epoxy resin-based sealers after their final set, immersed in Endosolve-R or xylene for 1–2 minutes, for its easy removal mechanically after softening. Materials and methods: Sixty Teflon molds were grouped with 20 samples in each of the three commercially available sealers, i.e., AH 26, AH Plus, and Adseal. The sealers were put in the specific molds after their manipulation as per the instructions given in the literature by the manufacturer. They were allowed to harden for 2 weeks at 37°C in 100% humidity. Two subgroups, A-Xylene and B-Endosolv-R, of 10 samples each, were formed from 20 set specimens based on solvents to which they were immersed for 1 and 2 minutes, respectively. The data obtained was subjected to the Mauchly's test one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA for analysis. Results: It was proved that for all the sealers immersed in solvents, there was a significant reduction in the mean Vickers hardness as the time increases. There was a significant difference in the initial hardness between the mentioned sealers with AH plus showing the highest followed by AH 26 and Adseal showing the lowest. AH Plus and Adseal sealers were softened by xylene after 2 minutes of their initial microhardness (p < 0.001); least effect was seen on AH 26. After 2 minutes, Endosolv-R softened initial microhardness of all the three sealers (p < 0.001). Conclusion: It was concluded that Endosolv-R was more effective in softening the epoxy-based resin sealer than xylene, after 2 minutes of exposure.
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Spécialités Septodont: Endosolv. Product for removing canal fillings.[online]Available from: