Citation Information :
Jha P, Virdi MS, Nain S. A Regenerative Approach for Root Canal Treatment of Mature Permanent Teeth: Comparative Evaluation with 18 Months Follow-up. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019; 12 (3):182-188.
Aim: SealBio is a novel technique which stimulates the periradicular cells to deposit a biological barrier at the root apex by inducing healing and regeneration. This clinical trial was undertaken to compare the outcome of teeth treated with the SealBio and the obturation technique.
Materials and methods: Thirty patients met the inclusion criteria and consented to participate in the study. Patients were randomly assigned to the SealBio and the obturation group. The time taken for both the techniques and periapical healing was evaluated. The patients of both the groups were evaluated at 6, 12, and 18 months follow up. The periapical index (PAI) was the primary outcome measure to check the apical bone density and healing. The secondary outcome measure was the presence/absence of signs and symptoms. The final outcome measure was the sum of the primary and secondary outcome measures.
Results and conclusion: The time taken to perform endodontic treatment with the SealBio technique was significantly lesser than that of obturation. Both groups showed equally favorable outcomes at the end of 18 months without any statistically significant differences.
Clinical significance: The results of the present study have demonstrated that SealBio technique gives similar results as that of conventional gutta-percha obturation. The shortcomings of obturation such as difficulty in obtaining a fluid-tight seal and difficulty in obturating tortuous canals can be overcome by the SealBio method. The SealBio method is cost effective, less technique sensitive, and takes lesser chair time.
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