Effect of Photoactivation by Ultraviolet Light on Bond Strength of Composite Veneer on Stainless Steel Crowns—An In Vitro Study
Aakash Sharma, Kattebelaguli VN Swamy
Keywords :
Composite resin, Early childhood caries, Shear bond strength, Stainless steel crowns (SSC), UV irradiation
Citation Information :
Sharma A, Swamy KV. Effect of Photoactivation by Ultraviolet Light on Bond Strength of Composite Veneer on Stainless Steel Crowns—An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019; 12 (1):50-52.
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the bond strength of composite veneer adhered to the SSCs.
Materials and methods: Seventy anterior typhodont teeth (API, New Delhi, India) were randomly divided into two groups (N = 35/group) to be crowned with 70 maxillary left central incisor SSCs, size no. 3 (3MESPE, St. Paul, USA). The crowns were adjusted and cemented with the glass ionomer cement (type I, Ivoclar Vivadent, New York, USA). The labial surfaces of the experimental group were exposed to UV irradiation for 80 minutes using the UV chamber (Easy UV Chamber, India) with 2 UV lamps that produced 30 W of power to induce photoactivation. Standardized composite blocks (Ivoclar Vivadent, Gurgaon, India) of 4 × 4 × 1 mm were fabricated using Teflon molds and light cured for 60 seconds. The samples were fixed in the acrylic resin (NicTone62), with a label bearing the number of each sample. The samples were stored in a dry medium for 24 hours and tested using a universal testing machine.
Results: The mean shear bond strength in the non-UV group was 26.03 ± 9.42 MPa, while in the UV group, it was 35.10 ± 14.80 MPa. Thus, there was a statistically significant difference in the mean value of the shear bond strength between the non-UV and UV groups. The shear bond strength in the UV group is much higher as compared with the non-UV group.
Conclusion: Based on this study's results, the following conclusion can be made: ultraviolet irradiation of pediatric stainless steel crowns was found to significantly increase the shear bond strength of composite resin.
Clinical significance: UV irradiation could provide suitable adhesion of composite resins to stainless SSCs, leading to in-office veneering of SSCs.
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