Background: Consanguinity is known to alter the population structure but the available literature is almost silent on the association of dental conditions with consanguinity.
Aim: The purpose was to assess the various dental developmental anomalies in 6–9 year old children born out of consanguineous and non-consanguineous marriages and its association with their parents.
Design: A cross sectional house–hold survey with a sample size of 2,000 (1,600 non-consanguineous and 400 consanguineous respondents and their parents) using systematic random sampling was planned. Six to nine-year-old children and their parents living in 1,597 households were examined and the information recorded on a pretested self prepared questionnaire. The questionnaire had questions pertaining to personal details, type of consanguineous marriages, history of trauma and examination of dental developmental anomalies.
Results: Multivariate logistic regression showed that non syndromic supernumerary teeth in fathers (p =.009); fusion in mothers (p = 0.002); fusion (p <0.001), nonsyndromic supernumerary teeth (p < 0.001), and microdontia (p = 0.002) in respondents were significantly associated with consanguinity.
Conclusion: A significant association of developmental anomalies in parents with consanguineous marriages and their respondents was observed.
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