A Comparitive Evaluation of the Effect of Sports and Fruit Drinks on the Surface Roughness of Nanofilled Composite and Light Cure GIC–An In Vitro Study
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H. A Comparitive Evaluation of the Effect of Sports and Fruit Drinks on the Surface Roughness of Nanofilled Composite and Light Cure GIC–An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2018; 11 (5):417-424.
Context: Tooth coloured restorative materials are commonly used for restorations in children and adolescents, who are major consumers of soft drinks. Under acidic conditions, restorative materials suffer degradation over time, which can be predicted by changes in the surface roughness.
Aim: Compare the effect of acidic drinks Gatorade, Tang, Bindhu Jeera Fizz, and 10% sucrose solution (control group) on nano filled composite and light cure RMGIC and test the time dependent change by immersing them in these drinks ever day 8th hourly and examining them on the 10th, 20th and 60th day.
Methodology: Fourty specimens of each material was made and divided equally in 4 groups, group 1 (gatorade), group 2 (Tang), group 3 (Bindhu Jeera Fizz), group 4 (10% sucrose). Each specimen was immersed every 8th hourly daily for 60 days and the surface roughness was assessed on the 0,10th, 20th and 6th day using a with a 3-D optical profilometer.
Results: The surface roughness increased progressively with time with maximum average roughness value (Ra) value was seen on the 60th day in both the materials irrespective of any acidic drink. The highest value of roughness was seen by Group 2 containing Tang (p < 0.001), followed by Bindhu Jeera Fizz (p < 0.001) and Gatorade (p < 0.001) and the least being the 10% Sucrose (control group) (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The maximum change in surface roughness was associated with light cure RMGIC as compared to Nano-filled composite, mostly due to the low mechanical strength and low wear resistance of glass ionomer restorations making it less durable. Hence nano-filled composite proved to be superior then RMGIC, but with longer exposure to acidic drinks the Ra value increased significantly, hence the consumption of these acidic drinks should be limited.
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