Gingival growths are one of the most frequently encountered lesions in the oral cavity. A plethora of lesions can be seen having similar clinical presentation, making diagnosis a dilemma. Peripheral odontogenic tumors are rare neoplasms to occur on gingiva, the most common among them being the peripheral odontogenic fibroma (POdF). The POdF is a benign, slow-growing, exophytic lesion. Although considered to have a recurrence potential after excision, the actual recurrence rate is not known due to paucity of reported cases.
Presented here is a case of a rare neoplasm mimicking an inflammatory gingival lesion with review of the available literature.
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de Freitas Silva BS, Yamamoto FP, Da Costa RMB, Cruz e Silva BT, de Carvalho WRS, Pontes HAR. Peripheral odontogenic fibroma: case report of a rare tumor mimicking a gingival reactive lesion. Rev Odontol UNESP 2012 Jan-Feb;41(1):64-67.