A Comparative Evaluation of Accuracy of New-generation Electronic Apex Locator with Conventional Radiography to determine Working Length in Primary Teeth: An in vivo Study
K Vidya Bhat
Keywords :
Conventional radiograph, Electronic apex locator, Working length
Citation Information :
Bhat KV. A Comparative Evaluation of Accuracy of New-generation Electronic Apex Locator with Conventional Radiography to determine Working Length in Primary Teeth: An in vivo Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017; 10 (1):34-36.
Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a new-generation electronic apex locator (iPex) to determine working length in primary teeth with or without root resorption as compared with the conventional radiographic method.
Materials and methods: A sample of 30 primary posterior teeth which are indicated for pulpectomy were selected for the study. After obtaining the informed consent from the parents, local anesthesia was administered. Access cavity was prepared with no.10 round bur. Initial exploration of the canals was done with no.10 K-file. Pulp was extirpated with a barbed broach followed by thorough irrigation of the canals with 0.9% saline. Initially, working length was obtained with iPex (new-generation by Nakanishi International) apex locator using no. 10 K-file, which was then compared with conventional radiographic method (Ingle's method).
Results: A total of 65 canals were available for the measurement. The data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis system and t-tests were carried out. There was no statistically significant difference found when using iPex apex locator for working length determination as compared with that of conventional radiographic method (p = 0.511).
Conclusion: Working length determined by iPex apex locator is comparable with that of conventional radiographic method, hence, can be used as an alternative in determining the working length of primary teeth.
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